Tuesday, May 31
Another Video
I made this video a couple of days ago. It's of Eddie and I playing at liberty and riding. We're having so much fun and we're progressing every day!
Friday, May 27
It was finally sunny out today!! There was a slight breeze and it was in the 60's. BRR!! It's going to be June in 5 days! Although, I do think I like the cooler weather - and Eddie does too!
Anyway, I didn't play with Eddie yesterday, because it was windy, cloudy and very cold. On Wednesday, we went for a jog in the pasture and played a little bit in there. But he was spooky still so we didn't do much.
Today, however, Eddie and I had an amazing play day! First, I took Diesel and Scout for a walk around the track. We went for 2 laps and they were very happy to be out on the track. The grass is still dead and we just have to spray underneath the fenceline then they can be out on it. Yippee!
I played with Eddie in the pasture for literally a few minutes, and then he got REALLY sleepy. So we went into the outdoor and rode in there for about 30+ minutes. We worked on some things that I learned at Mark Rashid's clinic. I think Eddie was a little surprised, because I was really taking over the leadership role. Usually I let him wander around and do what he likes with a few things that I want mixed in. But this time I really challenged myself to be the leader and know what we want to do. It went really well and Eddie didn't have many silly moments. My sister took a lot of pictures and videos, so I will upload a new video tomorrow! :-)
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Acts 20:24
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
Anyway, I didn't play with Eddie yesterday, because it was windy, cloudy and very cold. On Wednesday, we went for a jog in the pasture and played a little bit in there. But he was spooky still so we didn't do much.
Today, however, Eddie and I had an amazing play day! First, I took Diesel and Scout for a walk around the track. We went for 2 laps and they were very happy to be out on the track. The grass is still dead and we just have to spray underneath the fenceline then they can be out on it. Yippee!
I played with Eddie in the pasture for literally a few minutes, and then he got REALLY sleepy. So we went into the outdoor and rode in there for about 30+ minutes. We worked on some things that I learned at Mark Rashid's clinic. I think Eddie was a little surprised, because I was really taking over the leadership role. Usually I let him wander around and do what he likes with a few things that I want mixed in. But this time I really challenged myself to be the leader and know what we want to do. It went really well and Eddie didn't have many silly moments. My sister took a lot of pictures and videos, so I will upload a new video tomorrow! :-)
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Acts 20:24
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
Tuesday, May 24
Monday, May 23
Buck the Film
This July (the 1st) mom and I are planning to go see this movie. They are showing it in Highland Park, IL and South Barrington. I am so excited to see it and it looks like it's going to be an amazing documentary. This horseman looks so humble, and that's another thing that I loved about Mark, and I believe he truly has a natural way of being with horses. Buck comes to Sunflower Farms next year, so that will be thrilling to go and audit his clinic.
Check out the film's website!!
May 21st - Mark Rashid Clinic
On Saturday morning, mom and I drove up to Cedarburg, WI for the Mark Rashid clinic. It was pretty incredible and it opened up so many new insights into my horsemanship. Here are some of the big points:
Release the pressure when the horse releases his brace
Define your space
Sometimes the slightest changes can create the biggest differences
Every time you create a brace in your body, the horse has to compensate for that by bracing something in his body.
Overall, it was an incredible clinic and it was amazing to see Mark in person. Most of these things I've read in his many books, but it was super neat to hear it.
Mark is an incredible horseman and it makes me so excited to audit more clinics like Mark Rashid's.
If Mark is coming to an area near you, GO AND SEE HIM! Trust me, you'll learn a lot!!
Release the pressure when the horse releases his brace
Define your space
Sometimes the slightest changes can create the biggest differences
Every time you create a brace in your body, the horse has to compensate for that by bracing something in his body.
Overall, it was an incredible clinic and it was amazing to see Mark in person. Most of these things I've read in his many books, but it was super neat to hear it.
Mark is an incredible horseman and it makes me so excited to audit more clinics like Mark Rashid's.
If Mark is coming to an area near you, GO AND SEE HIM! Trust me, you'll learn a lot!!
Friday, May 20
Goin To a Clinic
Tomorrow, mom and I head out super early for a Mark Rashid clinic. It goes from 8 to 4 and it's going to be awesome!! I'm going to take lots of notes and of course, tons of pictures. So you all can expect a full report when we get back tomorrow night.
I played with Eddie today in the pasture and he was very grass-focused! So, we went in the outdoor, walked in the new dirt track and he had fun eating some of it... lol! What a silly boy! Anyway, we rode around in the outdoor and then I just let him graze. I was pretty tired from trimming Scout, helping with the foal, rototilling the field and all the chores, so we ended on a great note! We had lots of fun and we shall play the day after tomorrow!
~Lea & Eddie~
1 Corinthians 14:3
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
I played with Eddie today in the pasture and he was very grass-focused! So, we went in the outdoor, walked in the new dirt track and he had fun eating some of it... lol! What a silly boy! Anyway, we rode around in the outdoor and then I just let him graze. I was pretty tired from trimming Scout, helping with the foal, rototilling the field and all the chores, so we ended on a great note! We had lots of fun and we shall play the day after tomorrow!
~Lea & Eddie~
1 Corinthians 14:3
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
An Incredible Day!
This afternoon, we got a call from our neighbor (the same one who plowed our track) and she said that her mare was in foal and she needed help moving her horses around. The filly was born out in the pasture, but our neighbor got her and the mom into the barn where the other horses wouldn't bother her.
And guess who got to help? Mom and I! It was so incredible and it was such a great experience! I helped Leslie imprint the filly and in less than a half an hour of her birth the filly was nursing.
How cool is that? I am so thankful that we got to help and be a part of this little filly's first day. It's a beautiful day and I'm sure that in less than a week she'll be as spunky as ever.
Oh, it was just so awesome and it will be a moment that I never forget! (It also makes me want to have a foal.) Someday for sure!
Romans 15:5-6
Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And guess who got to help? Mom and I! It was so incredible and it was such a great experience! I helped Leslie imprint the filly and in less than a half an hour of her birth the filly was nursing.
How cool is that? I am so thankful that we got to help and be a part of this little filly's first day. It's a beautiful day and I'm sure that in less than a week she'll be as spunky as ever.
Oh, it was just so awesome and it will be a moment that I never forget! (It also makes me want to have a foal.) Someday for sure!
Romans 15:5-6
Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Track Gets a Makeover!
Well, yesterday evening our neighbor came over and he plowed our track for us!
It looks AMAZING and now all we have to do is drag it once more with our equipment and then the horses can go out on it! Oh yeah... and we have to get ride of the grass underneath the fence
That might take a little more work than we anticipated, but out of the entire track, we got 95% of the grass. Which is amazing! Diesel and Scout can go back out on it once it's finished. It will be amazing and I'm so glad that we were able to get it done before the rain comes tomorrow.
And that leads me to my other post! lol! :-) Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!
It looks AMAZING and now all we have to do is drag it once more with our equipment and then the horses can go out on it! Oh yeah... and we have to get ride of the grass underneath the fence
That might take a little more work than we anticipated, but out of the entire track, we got 95% of the grass. Which is amazing! Diesel and Scout can go back out on it once it's finished. It will be amazing and I'm so glad that we were able to get it done before the rain comes tomorrow.
And that leads me to my other post! lol! :-) Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!
What a busy couple of day!
Here is a quite overview of what we did yesterday!
Eddie was really itching in the evening!
Gosh, those darn bugs! ;-)
In the afternoon, we played in the pasture for a little bit and rode in the outdoor for quite a while. We trotted around and I worked on my new technique for trotting! I watched Mark Rashid's DVD about sitting the trot and it has really helped me! I can't wait to practice it more and more!
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Tuesday, May 17
Bareback & Bridleless!
You know those days when it's just beautiful outside?
The sun is shining, birds are chirping, horses grazing, breeze is rustling and everything is peaceful? That's what today was like! (Except it did get a little windy)
Anyway, I played with Diesel and took him for four laps around the track today for exercise. He was very eager to go and even happier that he got to graze!
Then, I played with Scout in the outdoor and he was cantering everywhere. I think he did 3 laps without me encouraging him and it was only when I intercepted him, did he stop. :-) Such happy horses, that love to play!
After I was done playing with the ponies, I played with Eddie in the pasture. We ran around at liberty, jumped the tube, cantered together and then ran into outdoor together.
Like I said yesterday, he loves the outdoor! So we rode in there for a little bit without any halters and bareback. We jumped over the stacked cavaletties (YIPPEEE!!!!) and then walked a lap. It was awesome and he was super trusting in me since it was windy and a little 'spooky.'
Such a fun day, and tomorrow will be just as fun!! :-)
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
The sun is shining, birds are chirping, horses grazing, breeze is rustling and everything is peaceful? That's what today was like! (Except it did get a little windy)
Anyway, I played with Diesel and took him for four laps around the track today for exercise. He was very eager to go and even happier that he got to graze!
Then, I played with Scout in the outdoor and he was cantering everywhere. I think he did 3 laps without me encouraging him and it was only when I intercepted him, did he stop. :-) Such happy horses, that love to play!
After I was done playing with the ponies, I played with Eddie in the pasture. We ran around at liberty, jumped the tube, cantered together and then ran into outdoor together.
Like I said yesterday, he loves the outdoor! So we rode in there for a little bit without any halters and bareback. We jumped over the stacked cavaletties (YIPPEEE!!!!) and then walked a lap. It was awesome and he was super trusting in me since it was windy and a little 'spooky.'
Such a fun day, and tomorrow will be just as fun!! :-)
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Monday, May 16
Check this out!
Check this out! That would be so fun to do with Eddie, and I think he would have a BLAST with it!
All Three Horses!
Today I played with all three horses! It was SO nice out - sunny, in the 60's and just a little windy. But compared to the wind the last week, it was pretty mild.
Anyway, first mom and I took Scout and Diesel for 2 laps in the track. They were having so much fun! We trotted them around and then let Diesel loose in the outdoor to burn off some energy. He trotted, cantered, bucked and everything! But you know what was cool? He came running back to us for treats and scratches! Diesel is such a good boy! Hopefully we'll get the track scraped this week too. We have a few calls into excavators and it looks like the track will be dirt by next weekend. (praying that it happens!)
Then, this afternoon I set up an obstacle course for me and Eddie! We did all the obstacles but I took it slow because I want to make sure his leg is all better. So, only one jump and two passes over the cavaletties. hehe, with some trotting here and there too. :-) I don't think I could slow him down anyway! He was pretty spunky! We went into the outdoor after that and did some liberty. Not too much, just enough to have fun and make him happy. He loves the outdoor - no scary spots and countless barrels that may have grain on them. lol!
Later this afternoon, we took the ponies for another walk and I drove Diesel! It was awesome! He was so confident with it and I just used a thin laudryline for reins. We even trotted and he would turn around and look at me like, "Was that good? Do I get a treat?" It was so cute! Then, on the second lap I hopped on Scout and we rode while mom walked Diesel. :-) Oh, we had so much fun today and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow! Except, tomorrow I'm going to trim Diesel and then Scout on Wednesday! A full week ahead, and also.... School is almost done!!! :-)
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Anyway, first mom and I took Scout and Diesel for 2 laps in the track. They were having so much fun! We trotted them around and then let Diesel loose in the outdoor to burn off some energy. He trotted, cantered, bucked and everything! But you know what was cool? He came running back to us for treats and scratches! Diesel is such a good boy! Hopefully we'll get the track scraped this week too. We have a few calls into excavators and it looks like the track will be dirt by next weekend. (praying that it happens!)
Then, this afternoon I set up an obstacle course for me and Eddie! We did all the obstacles but I took it slow because I want to make sure his leg is all better. So, only one jump and two passes over the cavaletties. hehe, with some trotting here and there too. :-) I don't think I could slow him down anyway! He was pretty spunky! We went into the outdoor after that and did some liberty. Not too much, just enough to have fun and make him happy. He loves the outdoor - no scary spots and countless barrels that may have grain on them. lol!
Later this afternoon, we took the ponies for another walk and I drove Diesel! It was awesome! He was so confident with it and I just used a thin laudryline for reins. We even trotted and he would turn around and look at me like, "Was that good? Do I get a treat?" It was so cute! Then, on the second lap I hopped on Scout and we rode while mom walked Diesel. :-) Oh, we had so much fun today and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow! Except, tomorrow I'm going to trim Diesel and then Scout on Wednesday! A full week ahead, and also.... School is almost done!!! :-)
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Sunday, May 15
Letting our boys burn off their energy
That's what we've been doing for the past couple of days. It's muddy, windy, cold and cloudy and those four things put together make for hyper/bored ponies!
Yesterday we tried to take them all for a walk in the track, but they were very spooky. So we just ended up going back to the outdoor. We let Diesel run around and take a few small bites of grass. We did that with all three and then today I did it again.
Poor Eddie was a little concerned and he made a sharp turn and his back feet went out from underneath him. :-( But he's ok, he's walking fine now and there's no swelling. It will probably just take a few days for him to feel better on it.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better and it will be sunny out! Actually I think it is supposed to be sunny. Yipppeee!
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Ecclesiastes 11:5
As you do not know what is the way of the wind,
Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child,
So you do not know the works of God who makes everything.
Yesterday we tried to take them all for a walk in the track, but they were very spooky. So we just ended up going back to the outdoor. We let Diesel run around and take a few small bites of grass. We did that with all three and then today I did it again.
Poor Eddie was a little concerned and he made a sharp turn and his back feet went out from underneath him. :-( But he's ok, he's walking fine now and there's no swelling. It will probably just take a few days for him to feel better on it.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better and it will be sunny out! Actually I think it is supposed to be sunny. Yipppeee!
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
Ecclesiastes 11:5
As you do not know what is the way of the wind,
Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child,
So you do not know the works of God who makes everything.
Friday, May 13
Diesel! Laminitis! Yikes!
Then, next it was Mother's Day! Dad and I did everything mom asked us to do, and I played with Eddie and Scout. Nothing too exciting, just our normal routine/normal day. :-)
Over the 9th and 10th, Diesel wasn't quite looking the same to us. He was slower, didn't trot, looked sore, and his sparkle was gone from his eye that is normally there. So we watched it for the first few days - staying on our schedule of 4 hours on the pasture - thinking it was just a pulled muscle or something. However, on the 11th, he wasn't better. In fact he was worse. So we called our vet and he came out to take a look at our little guy late in the day. Meanwhile, mom and I are researching.
We both took a Insulin Resistance/Cushing's Disease course by Dr. Eleanor Kellon and in the course, there are several chapters dedicated to laminitis and treating laminitis. So after I read the symptoms which include:
So, out of those 10, Diesel had 7. Now these symptoms are for low-grade laminitis, NOT acute laminitis. For acute laminitis it's a lot easier to tell, they just can't and won't move! Poor horses, and it's all because of grass. But, let's not get sidetracked - I could go on about this all day!
The vet came out and sure enough, it was laminitis. Drastic changes were made to Diesel's already diet-ed diet. No sweet feed. No grass. Hose his feet & banamine (for the first two days). And Exercise. Our vet chose banamine instead of Phenylbutazone (bute) because bute is an anti-inflammatory drug for hard tissues while banamine targets soft tissues including... the inflamed lamella of the hoof which is laminitis.
Diesel was on that for two days, we hosed his feet and he is back to his old self and it is only two days after the vet came. Of course, he is unhappy to be in a dry lot all by himself (only for 4 hours though) but we're going to turn our track into dirt so the ponies (who are on their diets) can actually go out and get exercise.
So, that's our plan! More exercise once his feet are a-ok and no more grass.
Keep an eye on your horses and minis, this spring has been a sugarpacked-grass growing-super wet one. When all else fails, there is always the dry lot and that can work wonders for an overweight horse!
~Lea & Diesel~
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Over the 9th and 10th, Diesel wasn't quite looking the same to us. He was slower, didn't trot, looked sore, and his sparkle was gone from his eye that is normally there. So we watched it for the first few days - staying on our schedule of 4 hours on the pasture - thinking it was just a pulled muscle or something. However, on the 11th, he wasn't better. In fact he was worse. So we called our vet and he came out to take a look at our little guy late in the day. Meanwhile, mom and I are researching.
We both took a Insulin Resistance/Cushing's Disease course by Dr. Eleanor Kellon and in the course, there are several chapters dedicated to laminitis and treating laminitis. So after I read the symptoms which include:
- Less activity
- Reluctance to more off from a stand still
- Reluctance to trot
- Reluctance to make sharp turns
- Stumbling/scuffing
- Preference for soft ground
- Stiffness when moving
- Muscular tension in the upper arm, neck, shoulder, back, hindquarters (any or all)
- Hoof rings
- Widened white line
So, out of those 10, Diesel had 7. Now these symptoms are for low-grade laminitis, NOT acute laminitis. For acute laminitis it's a lot easier to tell, they just can't and won't move! Poor horses, and it's all because of grass. But, let's not get sidetracked - I could go on about this all day!
The vet came out and sure enough, it was laminitis. Drastic changes were made to Diesel's already diet-ed diet. No sweet feed. No grass. Hose his feet & banamine (for the first two days). And Exercise. Our vet chose banamine instead of Phenylbutazone (bute) because bute is an anti-inflammatory drug for hard tissues while banamine targets soft tissues including... the inflamed lamella of the hoof which is laminitis.
Diesel was on that for two days, we hosed his feet and he is back to his old self and it is only two days after the vet came. Of course, he is unhappy to be in a dry lot all by himself (only for 4 hours though) but we're going to turn our track into dirt so the ponies (who are on their diets) can actually go out and get exercise.
So, that's our plan! More exercise once his feet are a-ok and no more grass.
Keep an eye on your horses and minis, this spring has been a sugarpacked-grass growing-super wet one. When all else fails, there is always the dry lot and that can work wonders for an overweight horse!
~Lea & Diesel~
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Well, it's official! This week I get the award for being a bad blogger. No posts in more than a week? What is up with that?!
I think I have an explanation though...
Friday, May 6th. was my birthday and I had an awesome day! I played with Eddie, celebrated with my family and we had a great time. Here is a video I made of me playing with Eddie on my birthday:
Be sure to check it out! We had a blast and I have a new thing for us to do - agility courses! But that will be in one of my next posts!
I think I have an explanation though...
Friday, May 6th. was my birthday and I had an awesome day! I played with Eddie, celebrated with my family and we had a great time. Here is a video I made of me playing with Eddie on my birthday:
Be sure to check it out! We had a blast and I have a new thing for us to do - agility courses! But that will be in one of my next posts!
Thursday, May 5
What an awesome day! We jumped!
Yesterday, Eddie and I had an incredible play time!!!!
He was really sleepy, so first we went for a lap on the track and just meandered around. Then we went into the outdoor and rode in there with Scout and Diesel. Oh my goodness, we had so much fun!!
We trotted a lot, went sideways over the poles and then we jumped! YES! I'm a jumper! lol! It was so awesome, and I got a really good video of it. Here is a still from the video:
Yeehaw!! He is such a good boy and hopefully we can do it more and more and go a little higher. But of course, I don't want to push it and we just like doing it for the fun of it. Oh, Eddie is such a good boy!
We probably rode for about 30-45 minutes and when we were done, I took Scout out to the pasture and did some cantering, trot poles and went for a ride in the track.
*big smile*
Our herd is so awesome, I just love them to pieces and I don't know what I would do without them!
~Lea & Eddie & Scout~
Job 39:19
“Have you given the horse strength?
Have you clothed his neck with a flowing mane?"
He was really sleepy, so first we went for a lap on the track and just meandered around. Then we went into the outdoor and rode in there with Scout and Diesel. Oh my goodness, we had so much fun!!
We trotted a lot, went sideways over the poles and then we jumped! YES! I'm a jumper! lol! It was so awesome, and I got a really good video of it. Here is a still from the video:
Yeehaw!! He is such a good boy and hopefully we can do it more and more and go a little higher. But of course, I don't want to push it and we just like doing it for the fun of it. Oh, Eddie is such a good boy!
We probably rode for about 30-45 minutes and when we were done, I took Scout out to the pasture and did some cantering, trot poles and went for a ride in the track.
*big smile*
Our herd is so awesome, I just love them to pieces and I don't know what I would do without them!
~Lea & Eddie & Scout~
Job 39:19
“Have you given the horse strength?
Have you clothed his neck with a flowing mane?"
Monday, May 2
What a Rodeo
What a day it was!! I played with Scout and Diesel in the outdoor and they just had a blast! They ran around, burned off some energy and just had a blast! Scout would run, make Diesel canter and then Diesel would wait until Scout passed him up and would bite him on the butt. Oh my goodness, it was so funny!
Mom and I were laughing so hard and just having a good ole time.
Scout did get a little scared towards the end. Well, a lot scared. There was a plastic bag rolling around and it freaked him out. So we got Diesel out of there (he went out on the pasture much to his delight!) and let Scout and Eddie run around. Eddie was in a paddock (which is adjacent to the outdoor) and we finally got them calmed down. Mom took Scout to calm him and I haltered Eddie and calmed him down.
As you can see from the pictures, they had so much spunk today, so it was a little hard to get them to quiet down. But A) Eddie isn't good for long distances at a run and
B) Scout settles down when the other settle down. And Diesel really doesn't care. ;-) lol!
But after that, they were fine and went back to eating their hay. I think both of the horses enjoyed it though (Diesey and Scouty that is). Diesel is a lot more confident now and Scout just likes to run. Spring is in the air and the horses are a feeling it! The trees are buddin and bloomin and flowers are growing!
Before we played with Scout and Diesel, I played with Eddie in the pasture. Well... He sort of played with himself before I got a lead rope and 'held his hand' to play.
He ran around quite a bit and was very skitterish, so we didn't do much, but we had fun anyway. We walked over the cavaletties, stood on the pedestal and went for a walk around the track.
Look at that turn! The gal who owned him before us did 'barrel racing' with him, or so she said. He can turn'n'burn, I've seen him do it! But I think he just likes doing it when he's energetic and exuberant!
Oh, such good horses we have! Every day we have so much fun with them and they always have something up their sleeves (or socks) to surprise us!
~Lea & Eddie & Scout & Diesel~
1 John 5:14-15
14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
Sunday, May 1
Woah! It's May
Well, April is past and now it's May! What a wonderful April it was. A little windy, a little chilly, but spring is here and April showers have given way to May flowers. :-)
Eddie and I have been playing every day (as long as it's not raining) and we've been making huge progress with our riding. We've been trotting a lot more, jumping and just taking our riding to new heights. I'm so excited!
So, this May there are a few things going on. I hope to ride more and more and keep progressing with Eddie. Continue playing with Scout, because he is having a blast. The Mark Rashid clinic is at the end of the month, so that is really exciting!!! Then at the end of the week, it's my birthday!
Hopefully this wind will go down and give way to some nice, spring weather! :-)
~Lea & Eddie~
Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Eddie and I have been playing every day (as long as it's not raining) and we've been making huge progress with our riding. We've been trotting a lot more, jumping and just taking our riding to new heights. I'm so excited!
So, this May there are a few things going on. I hope to ride more and more and keep progressing with Eddie. Continue playing with Scout, because he is having a blast. The Mark Rashid clinic is at the end of the month, so that is really exciting!!! Then at the end of the week, it's my birthday!
Hopefully this wind will go down and give way to some nice, spring weather! :-)
~Lea & Eddie~
Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
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