Tuesday, June 8

Listening Again

Yesterday was an interesting day.

Listening to Eddie can be easy. If you know how to listen the right way... He presents things clearly and plainly, (sometimes not so clearly) and to me, it's always easy to figure out what he's trying to get across to me.
Well, yesterday I took Eddie out to play, and he was NOT himself. Bucking too often, his head was itchy, and he was cranky. So I ran into the barn to get grain, and then tried to feed it to him. No go.
I took him in, and I had my friend, Rebecca, who was over, go get my mom and the bute. She did (thank you Rebecca!) and mom gave him the phenylbutazone (bute). After about 40 minutes to waiting, and watching Eddie slowly get better... He took his first drink that day, and was on the mend from there onwards.

So, this has been the 2nd time this year that he has coliced, and mom and I don't want it to happen again. It is always after he doesn't drink enough water, and he gets bad gas/upset stomach.
We've been posting things on every horse health/nutrition forum, and we're slowly putting some things together. It's a slow go though.

But Eddie is on the mend, and acting as spunky (and hungry) as ever.
My special boy, will always need some special care. :-) I love you Eddie, and I'm so glad that you are better!!

~Lea & Eddie~

Habakkuk 3:19
The LORD God  is my strength;
      He will make my feet like deer’s
      And He will make me walk on my high hills.

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