Monday, October 12

WOOHOO! ~~~ Beyond Ribbons, for Hannah~

Eddie and I played at liberty today. Oh my goodness, he did amazing!!! We did really fast spins and he totally got them too! He loved it! Plus, he was going super fast, like how you see the instructors doing it. I was SO proud of him! Then we trotted sideways towards. He did it so well! Then we straddled the barrels and sidewaysed off of them towards and away. Then we did the circling game and he cantered/trotted around me for 4-6 laps and did a change of direction at the trot and continued to do 3-5 more. HOORAY! We did figure eight after that and it fell apart a little bit, then we isolated, seperated and recombined and ta da! it was all better! Let's see, what else... We did stick to me, jumped the barrels, more spins and straddled the pole lengthwise and back off of it 3 ways. I lead by the tail (level 3) then with just a few hairs (Level 4) then ended by just driving from zone 5. We did some zone 5 driving to the pedestal then too. Yippee!!!!!!!!!! He did so well!!
we loaded in the trailer 3 times after that too. No problem at all! I just want to shout out a huge, HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okey doke, now I wanted to just say congrats to my dear friend, Hannah. Her spotlight this weekend started out great but she wasn't able to ride during her spotlight. But Hannah, you have such an amazing relationship with Blaze, I'm sure he was trying his heart out for you. Just know that God's plan is perfect and even though you didn't get a ribbon, He has something better in store for you. Maybe 1/2 of a black string. So I made you this:

A black ribbon is nice, but a relationship is better. =-) Your relationship is beyond ribbons, Hannah.

~Lea & Eddie~

Proverbs 19:20-21
Listen to counsel and receive instruction,
That you may be wise in your latter days.
There are many plans in a man’s heart,
Nevertheless the LORD’s counsel—that will stand.

1 comment:

Jordyn Daniels said...

I agree Lea! Hannah I personally think you are even better than Pat Parelli himself! I don't see the same look of devotion that Blaze gives in his horses... You can argue all you want with me but I'm stickin' to my opinion ;)!


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