Saturday, August 29

More rain...

Yesterday it rained again and it was so slippery out. I took Eddie for a walk around the track at liberty and then he decided that he didn't want to go all the way around and galloped back to the barn. How interesting! So I just groomed his after that and he was so itchy! So as I itched his neck I slid onto his back and he decided it wasn't so bad if I was up there and itching him. hehe! What a silly dude!
Today it's cloudy and cold, so I don't know what we'll do. I'm trying to get over a cold & sore throat, so we might just do some grooming.
But I have to tell you, we were watching some old videos, they were taken back in fall/winter 2007. They were videos of my sister and I trying to ride Eddie. Oh my goodness. We couldn't even get on him without him biting us, or him rearing. The only attitude I could see that he had was, 'mad at the world.' And he so was. I just made me realize how far we've come. Now I can hop on him bareback and bridleless and do some small things.
Savvy on!

~Lea & Eddie~


Jordyn Daniels said...

Ha ha! Silly Eddie! Right now it is in the upper 90's!!!! I would LOVE some cold weather right now:)! It is NOT fun trying to get on a rearing and biting horse I bet! HUGE change! I'm so glad that you are now progressing in your freestyle:)!

Grace said...

Ha, silly Eddie. That's like Marsy when I come to bring her in from pasture. She's all sweet and come up to me...
One sniff "NO treat" and she is gone with the wind. Silly horses LOL.

I have cold to and it really sucks :(

Lea and Eddie said...

Yes, Grace. Colds do suck! Lauren, I could easily send some down your way if you send some warm 70's up here!

Jordyn Daniels said...

I will SOOO do it!!!! lol!

Lea and Eddie said...

Ok, I shall wait the arrival of the 70's weather. lol!

Jordyn Daniels said...

lol! What about the lower-upper 90's!?!?! hehe!

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