Saturday, July 25


FINALLY!!!! We are finally into the groove of Freestyle!!!!!!!! For the past 4 or 5 days I've ridden and it has felt so good. Every day we've ridden in the track and either the outdoor or the pasture. I know some of you have known about my confidence issues with riding and I'm happy to report that with prior and proper preparation we've both gotten more confident. Now I have no second thoughts and I have developed the feel for when to get off. Just this morning we were riding in the track and a bunch of cyclists went by. He hates those things! So I waited, he did fine because I was calm, then I got off once we rode by them. We walked the rest of the way, but I was so glad that I did because I timed it just right and after I got off they all spooked! Yay! hehe, it feels weird to say 'yay' after the word 'spook.' lol! His attitude was amazing and cooperative. I'm so proud of him and the savvy we both have. The best part? Most of the times I rode I had the bareback pad, but today when I rode I was completely bareback! In the track! haha, who needs a saddle? hehe!
I'm so happy!

Psalm 128:2
When you eat the labor of your hands,
You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.

~Lea & Eddie~
We're living our dream!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, how cool!! Good job! Feeling confident about stuff is sooo awesome especially when you had such a fear of it before. Cantering was my fear...I thought I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER! be able to do it. And that was just a few months ago. Now? Pfft. I can canter, with a bareback pad, around the arena at top speed. No fear! :)
Keep up the good savvy work!


Lea and Eddie said...

=-DIt's so much fun now! We're really getting there, with a little practice, I can hopefully get my blue string! Yes, cantering is fun! Although I only canter in the winter when there is a nice soft bed of snow on the ground. ;-)

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