Sunday, April 26

I could do this all day...

I woke up this morning, and took care of the ponies. Diesel got out... Ooops... I was going into his stall and he just bolted out of there. Ooops... Me and dad finally herded him into the dry lot and closed the gait behind him. Thank goodness! It was pretty scary because he's still pretty wild.
Then my sister and mom went into town. I did something, I can't remember what... I think I just played with the ponies outside and puttered. Oh yeah, I cleaned the stalls. That's what I did.
Then my mom came home and we went out to Flannery and I got to play with Mr. Jigsaw!!! Mike was going out to do Jiggies' feet, so I played with him beforehand. He's quite the LBI! I really had to slow my energy down and get sloooooow......... Then I had to do a flick! to get his attention. He was VERY attentive after that. How fun! I realized that I could do that all day: play with horses and go to different barns. WooHoo!
Then I came home and Diesel and I had a great session. I got to pick up his front feet and he did really good with that. I also got to pet his HQ and groom his rump. He's coming along so nicely!!
I played with Eddie after that and he was so happy to be with me!!!! I think he really missed our time together. I felt bad. =-( But I figured out I really have to balance Diesel time, Eddie time, Scout time when my sister is gone, school time, God time, Parelli time... The list goes on and on!!! =-)
Can't wait for tomorrow!
I have to go do math! Stupid math... It's pointless...

Lea & Eddie


Randa said...

I'm with you there (with the math). That's cool about Diesel! What a lovely name too! :-)

Jordyn Daniels said...

HATE math too! It is REALLY pointless! But you've got to do it! Are you homeschooled? I am and LOVE it! lol! Diesel sounds like he is fun to work w/ (LOVE a challenge!) I know how hard it is to balance time in between things. I have 2 horses I have to train from the ground up and 1 of them needs to be broken into saddle soon....... Plus school, my 4 year old gelding Sonny, and etc. Maybe you could stop by my blog and give me some tips *wink wink*! LOVE the blog!

~Lauren, Sonny, and Red~

Lea and Eddie said...

Yucky math... I greatly dislike Algebra!!!!! Oh well, as a fellow PNH enthusiast said, "it makes you think logically and you have to do it to get a good grade so you can live your dream." fine... I guess I could pretend to like it...
Yes, I'm homeschooled. We do co-op classes which is fun, it's the best of both worlds because you're around other homeschoolers, but I still can do work at home. Yay!
Yeah, Lauren! I can do that! I'll follow it.

Christine Ramstein said...

Look at it this way baby, learn the math because you are going to need it to count all the $$ you are going to make being an instructor. Plus, it will be easier to put your mom and I up on a hundred acres if you can count them! :-)

Lea and Eddie said...

Yes, Crissie I do need it for every-day things like the diameter of a round pen and so on and so forth, but all this xy+yz=lmnop stuff is... weird. That's why I'm going straight to Geometery next year. Yahoo!!! No Algebra 2!!! *does a happy dance*

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