Tuesday, October 28

~Advancing Level 2 Clinic~

Wow was it inspirational! Helen Topp was so nice and all the topic we covered were so helpful! We went two of the days, because my mom had to work on Monday, but the two days we did go to covered:
~Friendly in the delicate zones.
~Porcupine, lead by the ear, chin, tail, lip and hocks.
~Driving from zone 5 with the 45 foot line.
~Riding without touching the reins and using focus.
~Snaky bends
Day 2:
~All 7 games with an obstacle, using the speed, distance quality technique.
~Riding the question box using a combination of concentrated and casual reins.

So yes, it was awesome! Today I can't wait to play with Eddie. Yesterday I did too, but he was so RB I got a calm figure eight and we ended there. It even snowed yesterday! They were more like little ice balls that stung your face. Oh yeah, once it is sunny and not windy I'm VIDEOTAPING the riding part of Level 1. I NEED to get that in... I want my red string!

Savvy all the way!
Lea & Eddie
Future Instructor

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