Tuesday, December 15

Feet trimmin' time!

The thermometer reads 13 degrees. It feels like -8. What to do today?
Something that warms me up!

I had a mental list that I needed to do Scout's feet, Eddie back feet and Diesel's back feet. So I started with Scout and I did all of his feet. It's weird, they look long, but when you look under them, they're not long... Hmmm! So I just rounded them up and took off some excess hoof wall. Balanced the heels and spread out the heel/toe plane. We've been putting "Pete Goo" in his feet every 3 days and it might be helping. I think they look a little better than how they did before we started using it. The "Pete Goo" is half Triple Antibiotic and half 1% Clotrimazole Athletes Foot Cream. Pete Ramey came up with it and it's what Mike suggested to use to get Scout to lower his heels and spread them out.
I also had to make a halter out of 2 savvy strings because all the halters were inside thawing. ;) You can never be without a savvy string!

Then I did Diesel's back feet and checked his fronts. They look amazing!!! I'm so, so happy with how they look. He is really the first horse (er... pony) that I have trimmed and watched a change in. I'm so excited! A whole new hoof (literally, it all grew out) in 6 months. Nature hoof care is amazing! I took off some of his long hoof wall, brought it back and rounded it off. They look wonderful. I'm being careful with trimming it all the way back, so I just take a little off at a time. I'm not experienced enough to do a full trim, just little bits until it's where it needs to be!

I haven't done Eddie yet, but I did make a mental note because he had blown out an abces in his hoof wall and I wanted to make sure that it doesn't chip because it's almost to growing all the way out. I'm sure it's going to chip, I just have to keep it rounded so it doesn't chip anything else off.
Man, their feet have still been growing pretty fast, even with me trimming them in between.....  ????  I just hope that Mike comes before Christmas because they could all use it.

So that's what I did today! By the time I was done, I was wearing a sweat shirt, I was hot!!!

~Lea & Pretty Feet Eddie~

Mark 11:22
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God."


Keri-Lynn said...

Sounds like you did a great job Lea!! "It is better to error on the side of caution" as Mr. Ramey always says!! :)


Lea and Eddie said...

Thanks dearest! :) Yes, it is, I won't fully trim them until I've watched the Pete Ramey DVDs. :)

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