Saturday, August 22

Such a Fun & SUPER Day!

Today was awesome!
Well first I played with Eddie online out in the pasture. We played over the cavaletties, jumps and did some awesome weave. When he would come in, and I was pushing him to go back out (at the trot) he would do this amazing sidepass. It was beautiful! He jumped towards me, and then we straddled a bunch of things. Barrels and poles. He did the pole lengt
hwise too and it was in record time! I walked over to it, put his front feet on either side, then his back feet on either side and he was done! He knew exactly what I wanted!

This afternoon I went out to Eagle's and played with Jigs! He did super!!! He and Crissie have come a long way. I'm so proud of them! Here's a list of w
hat Jigs and I did:
  • falling leaf
  • circling with changes of direction and transitions
  • sideways
  • zone 3 driving against the rail with transitions
  • traveling circles over the jump & cavaletties
  • squeeze game

It was a lot of fun, because I was giving Crissie a mini-almost lesson!
I just have to refine some things, like tell her what I'm doing with Jigs and give clearer directions. But what a better person to learn with, Crissie is like an aunt to me! Here are pictures from Eagle's:

Ok, well there's still more!
I decided to dress up (for fun) with half chaps and my new sweater that looks like Linda Parelli's. So I went out and had a great ride with Scout! We did a bunch of Patterns, follow the rail, transitions (he liked those the best), clover leaf, figure eight, touch it and sideways box. He did super! At first he was pretty snotty, but by the end he was sighing and all I had to do was use my legs and he would follow my focus. We went for a trail ride in the track after we did Patterns and he was so relaxed and calm although it was windy and cold and the other horses were inside. To top things off with Scout we went in the pasture and did a TON of trotting to keep him from grazing. It was fun to trot for about 5-10 minutes straight! Well we stopped at objects for point to point, but still, it was fun!

Still more!
I turned on some tunes, brought Eddie into the round pen and we did some liberty! We had to go back online a few times because he didn't want to come in, but by the end he was doing beautiful change of directions and lots of stick to me. I was so impressed because he had a lot of energy, but he used it with me instead of against me like he used to. So we straddled the barrel, sidewaysed towards, circling game transitions and change of directions, stick to me at walk and trot and over the barrels, squeeze game over the barrels, friendly game in zone 5, lead by the tail and I believe that's it! Super-dy Duper!
I hopped on for a little bit after that. We did some circles, sideways over the barrels and then I got off because he was using his energy against me. But hey, one savvy at a time! Online and Liberty are superb! Freestyle is next!

Well that about sums up my day. Now I am typing this and I am really tired.

Talk to you later!

~Lea & Eddie~


Jordyn Daniels said...

Jigs looks like he is doing REALLY good! So cool how you are learning how to teach people the Natural way:)! I'm doing the same thing but I am making a TON more mistakes than you:)!
Sounds like fun:)! Scout sounds a LOT like Sonny:)! Sonny REALLY enjoys making me work, getting me mad, and bein' snotty:). lol!
YAY EDDIE AND LEA!!! Freestyle will come... Online and Liberty are definitely superb! ttyl!

Lea and Eddie said...

He is doing so well! They are both doing great!!

It's always a learning experience, whether it's the teacher or student! =-D

Thank you! I'm looking forward to the day we can ride bareback and bridle-less out in the pasture and canter around. For now we're taking it one step at a time and loving the journey! =-)

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